Stories of Customers

Customer Background

Royal Dutch/Shell Group of Companies is one of the world's largest oil companies, headquartered in The Hague, the Netherlands and London, England. It is formed by the merger of Royal Dutch Petroleum and Shell of the United Kingdom. It is a major international producer of oil, natural gas and petrochemicals, as well as a retailer of automotive fuel and lubricants. It is also a pioneer in the LNG industry and has considerable experience in financing, management and operation.

Project Background

Use the convenience of H5, combined with 618 marketing hotspots to promote the promotion of Shell products; focus on the mobileization of social platforms, allowing users to be stimulated by promotional points in different links; to achieve more mobile activities.

Project Objectives

Starting with product anti-counterfeiting traceability, let consumers fully understand Shell and its product information,Help Shell carry out a wave of brand exposure and promote product sales;
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